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OpenAI GPTs: Building Your Own ChatGPT-Powered Conversational AI




OpenAI, having rapidly gained traction with ChatGPT, amassing a vast user base and seeing widespread corporate adoption.

Their latest iteration of GPT advancements is GPT-4 Turbo. This model boasts significant improvements, such as extended context lengths for more detailed conversations, greater accuracy, and finer control over outputs. It's not just smarter with updated world knowledge up to April 2023, but also more capable, adding DALL-E 3's visual understanding and text-to-speech to its skill set.

OpenAI's vision is clear: they aim to become the App Store of AI — a hub where developers can pioneer the future of technology. The GPT Store, set to launch soon, invites creative minds worldwide to join in this new era of tech. Drawing a parallel to the seismic shift brought on by the iPhone's App Store in 2008, OpenAI's platform is poised to serve as a springboard for a new generation of developers and entrepreneurs.

With GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI has substantially improved the model's performance. The context window has been stretched to 128K tokens, about 300 pages of text, allowing for more detailed and expansive interactions. OpenAI has thoughtfully included a JSON Mode for seamless API integrations and enhanced functionality. Moreover, they've updated the knowledge cutoff to April 2023, ensuring that GPT-4 Turbo remains at the forefront of current information.

This upgraded model is not just about enhanced capabilities but also about accessibility. OpenAI has made it significantly more affordable, with costs now three times lower than previous models. The GPT-4 Turbo is currently in API preview with a broader release on the horizon, heralding a new chapter in the AI narrative where greater power comes with greater affordability, opening the doors to wider innovation and application.

As OpenAI redefines the possibilities of natural conversations with GPT-4 Turbo, they simultaneously introduce GPTs.

What are GPTs?

GPTs, introduced by OpenAI in November 2023, are customizable versions of the ChatGPT model. They represent a significant shift from general-purpose AI chatbots to specialized, purpose-driven AI assistants. GPTs can be tailored for specific tasks, making them more effective and efficient in various domains, from education and gaming to business and creative arts.

OpenAI new GPT Builder GPTs

OpenAI new GPT Builder (GPTs)

Key Features and Capabilities

  • Customization Without Coding: One of the most groundbreaking aspects of GPTs is that they require no coding skills to build. This makes it accessible to a broader audience.
  • Wide Range of Applications: GPTs can be designed for myriad uses, such as teaching math, assisting in game rules interpretation, or creating digital content like stickers.
  • Integration of Extra Knowledge: Users can feed additional information into GPTs, enhancing their ability to handle specialized tasks.
  • Functional Flexibility: GPTs can incorporate capabilities like web searching, image creation, and data analysis, depending on the user's needs.

Creating a Custom GPT: Simplicity and Efficiency

Creating your personalized GPT app is a straightforward process that requires no coding knowledge, making it accessible for anyone with an idea. Here’s a simplified guide on how to bring your custom GPT to life:

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Personalized GPTs App

  • Login and Navigate: First, log into your ChatGPT account. Look for the “Explore” section, which is usually located on the top left of your screen. This is where you'll find all the GPT applications you have access to.
OpenAI new GPT Builder GPTs

OpenAI ChatGPT

  • Create Your GPT: Click on ‘Create My GPT’. You’ll be taken to a new screen. Here, you'll be prompted to describe what your GPT should do.
OpenAI new GPT Builder GPTs

GPTs Interface

  • Set Your Prompt: Input your prompt with clarity and purpose. For our example we created a “Code Mentor” by entering a prompt: “Create an AI that provides clear explanations and guides users through algorithms and data structures, capable of facilitating real-time problem-solving sessions.”
Building a Coding Mentor with GPTs

Building a Coding Mentor with GPTs

  • Refinement: ChatGPT may ask follow-up questions to refine your concept. This step ensures your GPT is aligned with your vision and is capable of performing its intended functions efficiently.
  • Testing and Customization: Once created, your GPT appears on the right side of the screen. Here you can test its capabilities and fine-tune its functions. For the “Code Mentor” you might test it with queries like “Explain the concept of dynamic programming” or “Guide me through implementing a binary search tree.”


  • Save and Share: After you're satisfied with your GPT, you can save your settings. Then, take advantage of the option to share your GPT with others. This is done through a link, making collaboration easy and promoting a community-oriented approach to AI development.

Remember, while Plus users have immediate access to use the GPTs via shared links, the creators won't have access to the chats others have with their GPTs,.

Open AI mentioned that Privacy and safety are at the heart of GPTs. Chats with GPTs remain private, not shared with builders, and users have full control over whether data is sent to third-party APIs. Additionally, builders can decide if interactions with their GPT should contribute to model training, giving users and builders alike control over data usage and privacy.

Connecting GPTs to Real-World Applications

Beyond explanations, these GPTs can connect to external data sources or perform actions in the real-world. For instance, you could create a “Shopping Assistant” GPT that helps with e-commerce orders, or a “Travel Planner” GPT that integrates with a travel listings database.

Empowering Enterprises with Custom GPTs

Enterprises can take advantage of internal-only GPTs for specific use cases. This could range from a “Marketing Assistant” that helps draft brand-aligned materials to a “Support Helper” that aids in customer service. These GPTs can be deployed securely within a company's workspace, with full administrative control over sharing and external GPT usage.

5 custom GPT applications that users have created

  • Movie & Show Recommendation GPT
    • Creator: Ammaar Reshi
    • Description: A bot that recommends movies and shows based on your taste, including where to stream or rent and can even analyze your Letterboxd.
    • Features: No coding required, utilizes web browsing capabilities for up-to-date recommendations.
    • Link: What Should I Watch GPT

  • DesignerGPT
    • Creator: Pietro Schirano
    • Description: An AI that helps users create beautiful websites, with support for dark mode, and hosts them remotely via Replit.
    • Features: Integrates with generative AI for seamless design and stable diffusion plugin.
    • Link: DesignerGPT

  • NomadGPT
    • Creator: Pieter Levels
    • Description: Accesses live data from Nomad List to provide information on the best places to live and work remotely based on your budget, weather preferences, and other data points.
    • Features: Real-time data retrieval from a JSON dump of Nomad List’s current data.
    • Link: NomadGPT

  • Interview Wizard GPT
    • Creator: Ashutosh Shrivastava
    • Description: An AI-powered interview coach that provides personalized guidance for job interviews, including assessing resumes and mock interview sessions.
    • Features: Offers resume refinement suggestions and covers various interview topics.
    • Link: Interview Wizard GPT

  • Custom GPT
    • Creator: Zuhayeer Musa (Twitter Post)
    • Description: Initially created to use a subset of data from as a knowledge source. However, it was taken down to re-evaluate data exposure and consider alternative secure access methods.
    • Insights: The experience underscored the importance of considering data privacy and the potential public nature of uploaded data.
    • Note: As the GPT was taken down, no active link can be provided.

These summaries show how users can leverage OpenAI's platform to create AI applications that address a wide array of needs and interests.


The evolution of AI technology with OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo and the introduction of customizable GPTs represent a significant leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence. GPT-4 Turbo's enhanced context window and integration with visual and auditory capabilities mark a new era of conversational AI that is more accurate, detailed, and versatile. The GPTs, with their user-friendly customization options, open up endless possibilities for personal and professional use, democratizing AI technology and making it accessible to a wider audience.

I have spent the past five years immersing myself in the fascinating world of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. My passion and expertise have led me to contribute to over 50 diverse software engineering projects, with a particular focus on AI/ML. My ongoing curiosity has also drawn me toward Natural Language Processing, a field I am eager to explore further.