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Event Marketing

Unite.AI is a digital media company that currently specializes in AI, robotics and cybersecurity. We are currently one of the highest ranked pages in Google when it comes to people searching for AI events or conferences. For example:

While we currently list for free all legitimate events as can be seen here, we also offer sponsorship programs to increase the traffic to your event. Below are the options that we offer.

Sponsored Post

A sponsored post has a cost of $1000 USD. We will promote on our homepage, all of our social media including LinkedIn and Twitter, and the post will be distributed in Google News:

We currently accept the following types of events:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Cybersecurity

Events may be any of the following:

  • Conference (In-person or virtual)
  • Webinar
  • Hackathon

Please contact us, you may send us the sponsored post via email. If it is accepted we will send you a Paypal invoice.

Sponsored Post Package (3 Posts)

If you would like multiple sponsored posts for the same event we offer a volume discount for a purchase of 3 posts. For example, the first post could be 3 months before event,  a second post, 1 month before event, and a final post the day before an event.

The cost for this is $2500.

Please contact us to order. Payment is via Paypal only.

Banner Ad

We offer the current banner ad options:

468×60 Banner on Events page. For example:

The cost for this is $1000 a month, per events page. There are currently 3 different events pages including:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Cybersecurity

Please contact us to purchase a banner space. Payments can be made via Paypal.