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HONOR CEO George Zhao Outlines AI Vision




Honor Discussion panel

In the bustling halls of MWC 2024, an event that garners the attention of the world's tech enthusiasts, HONOR stands out with its innovative flair. At the helm, HONOR CEO George Zhao offers a glimpse into a future where artificial intelligence (AI) seamlessly integrates into our daily lives. Under his guidance, HONOR isn't just navigating the next wave of smart device evolution; it's leading it. With the introduction of MagicOS 8.0, Zhao articulates a vision where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. This introduction sets the stage for a deeper exploration of HONOR's strategic endeavors to craft a human-centric intelligent world, championed by Zhao's forward-thinking leadership and HONOR's cutting-edge AI innovations.

HONOR's AI Strategy Unveiled

In a landscape brimming with innovation, HONOR CEO, George Zhao, presents a clear vision for the future of artificial intelligence in smart devices. “We believe AI will reconstruct the operation system and rebuild our future smartphone experience,” Zhao articulated. HONOR is set to advance its AI strategy by weaving it throughout MagicOS and all HONOR devices, ensuring a “human-centric experience that delights our users with every interaction.” This commitment underscores the launch of MagicOS 8.0, a beacon of HONOR's expertise in on-device AI.

MagicOS 8.0, introduced at MWC 2024, is a testament to platform-level AI integration, featuring the industry's first intent-based user interface (IUI). This innovative OS not only enhances user interaction but also introduces Magic Portal, an intent-based shortcut recommendation feature, facilitating seamless transitions between apps. Furthermore, HONOR's collaboration with Qualcomm to showcase the open-source Llama 2 on the new HONOR Magic6 Pro exemplifies the potential of on-device AI, even in offline scenarios.

“Platform-level AI and LLMs enable HONOR to seamlessly blend AI devices such as AI PCs and AI smartphones into users' daily lives, understanding their intent and anticipating their needs,” shared Zhao. His vision is clear: as consumers engage more with these devices, the experience will become increasingly tailored and helpful, marking a significant leap towards a truly intelligent and interconnected ecosystem.

Alliances and Collaborative Innovation: The Pillars of HONOR's AI Ecosystem

At the forefront of AI innovation, HONOR recognizes the power of collaboration and open ecosystems. CEO George Zhao, alongside industry giants such as Qualcomm and GSMA, champions a vision of human-centric AI, emphasizing the critical role of partnerships in this endeavor. “By fostering open collaboration, we're creating on-device AI experiences for the benefit of consumers,” Zhao remarked during a thought-provoking panel discussion at MWC Barcelona 2024. This collaborative spirit is evident in HONOR's strategic partnership with Qualcomm, showcasing the use of open-source Llama 2 on the HONOR Magic6 Pro, a move that not only highlights the capabilities of on-device AI but also underscores the importance of open innovation.

Alex Katouzian of Qualcomm echoed the sentiment, stating, “We want to make it easy for people to develop and innovate on top of our platforms.” This philosophy of cooperation and openness paves the way for groundbreaking advancements in smart device technology, offering limitless potential for innovation. Furthermore, GSMA's collaboration with HONOR in unveiling the “6G Terminal Vision” whitepaper at MWC adds another layer to the partnership, charting a course for future industry advancements and setting the stage for a human-centric intelligent world shaped by the transformative capabilities of AI and the upcoming 6G technology.

These partnerships signify a collective commitment to advancing AI technology while keeping the human experience at the core, ensuring that the future of smart devices is not just more intelligent but also more intuitive and empowering for users worldwide.

Emphasizing Security in AI Development

Security is paramount in the realm of artificial intelligence, a stance strongly advocated by HONOR's CEO, George Zhao. “AI cannot exist without a foundation of security,” Zhao emphasizes, highlighting the company's commitment to the PFAST principle in AI development—Privacy, Fairness and Justice, Accountability, Security and Reliability, Transparency, and Controllability. This holistic approach underlines the importance of creating a secure and trustworthy environment for AI to flourish, ensuring that advancements in technology do not come at the expense of individual privacy and security.

HONOR's dedication to these principles is showcased through initiatives such as the HONOR MagicGuard technology and obtaining privacy certifications like the ePrivacySeal, demonstrating the company's proactive efforts to safeguard user data. “We call upon the industry to collaborate on AI governance to ensure the privacy and security of individuals,” Zhao urges, extending an invitation to the broader tech community to join forces in establishing a secure and ethical foundation for the future of AI. Through these efforts, HONOR not only sets a standard for security in AI development but also reinforces its commitment to building a future where technology serves humanity responsibly and ethically.

Charting the Future: The Convergence of 6G and AI in Shaping Tomorrow

In this pivotal moment of technological evolution, HONOR and CEO George Zhao are steering the conversation towards the monumental impact of 6G and AI on our future. At the heart of MWC 2024, the unveiling of the “6G Terminal Vision” whitepaper, in partnership with GSMA, marks a significant milestone in conceptualizing a future where these technologies redefine our interaction with the digital world.

This strategic document, a collaboration among telecommunications leaders, outlines the framework for a future where 6G and AI seamlessly integrate to enhance connectivity, intelligence, and accessibility. It paints a picture of a world where technology anticipates and meets human needs more efficiently, emphasizing the importance of a unified approach to research and development in realizing the full potential of 6G and AI.

George Zhao's vision for a harmonious integration of AI and 6G technology reflects a broader commitment to human-centric innovation, positioning HONOR at the vanguard of the next technological revolution. This forward-thinking approach not only highlights the transformative potential of these technologies but also reinforces the importance of ethical considerations and collaborative efforts in shaping a future that benefits humanity as a whole.


As we reflect on the insights shared by HONOR CEO George Zhao at MWC 2024, it's clear that HONOR is not just participating in the technological evolution; it's leading it with a profound vision for the future. Through the meticulous integration of AI across its products and the strategic foresight to embrace the upcoming 6G technology, HONOR is paving the way for a new era of smart devices that prioritize human-centric design and innovation.

The collaborations and partnerships highlighted during the event underscore the importance of collective effort in achieving groundbreaking advancements. Moreover, HONOR's commitment to security and ethical considerations in AI development sets a standard for the industry, ensuring that the technological future we're heading towards is not only innovative but also safe and inclusive.

George Zhao's vision for HONOR is a testament to the power of forward-thinking leadership and innovation. As HONOR continues to push the boundaries of what's possible, it invites us all to reimagine the role of technology in our lives, envisioning a future where smart devices enhance human capabilities, enrich experiences, and foster a connected world that values every individual's privacy and well-being.

In closing, HONOR's journey under Zhao's leadership is more than just about creating advanced devices; it's about crafting a legacy of innovation that prioritizes humanity at every step. The road ahead is filled with opportunities and challenges, but with companies like HONOR leading the charge, the future of technology looks promising, human-centric, and boundlessly innovative.

Jacob stoner is a Canadian based writer who covers technological advancements in the 3D print and drone technologies sector. He has utilized 3D printing technologies successfully for several industries including drone surveying and inspections services.