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škrbina Large Language Models with Scikit-learn: A Comprehensive Guide to Scikit-LLM - Unite.AI
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Large Language Models with Scikit-learn: A Comprehensive Guide to Scikit-LLM





By integrating the sophisticated language processing capabilities of models like ChatGPT with the versatile and widely-used Scikit-learn framework, Scikit-LLM offers an unmatched arsenal for delving into the complexities of textual data.

Scikit-LLM, accessible on its official GitHub repozitorij, represents a fusion of – the advanced AI of Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and the  user-friendly environment of Scikit-learn. This Python package, specially designed for text analysis, makes advanced obdelava naravnega jezika accessible and efficient.

Why Scikit-LLM?

For those well-versed in Scikit-learn's landscape, Scikit-LLM feels like a natural progression. It maintains the familiar API, allowing users to utilize functions like .fit(), .fit_transform()in .predict(). Its ability to integrate estimators into a Sklearn pipeline exemplifies its flexibility, making it a boon for those looking to enhance their strojno učenje projects with state-of-the-art language understanding.

In this article, we explore Scikit-LLM, from its installation to its practical application in various text analysis tasks. You'll learn how to create both supervised and zero-shot text classifiers and delve into advanced features like text vectorization and classification.

Scikit-learn: The Cornerstone of Machine Learning

Before diving into Scikit-LLM, let's touch upon its foundation – Scikit-learn. A household name in machine learning, Scikit-learn is celebrated for its comprehensive algorithmic suite, simplicity, and user-friendliness. Covering a spectrum of tasks from regression to clustering, Scikit-learn is the go-to tool for many data scientists.

Built on the bedrock of Python’s scientific libraries (NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib), Scikit-learn stands out for its integration with Python's scientific stack and its efficiency with NumPy arrays and SciPy sparse matrices.

At its core, Scikit-learn is about uniformity and ease of use. Regardless of the algorithm you choose, the steps remain consistent – import the class, use the ‘fit' method with your data, and apply ‘predict' or ‘transform' to utilize the model. This simplicity reduces the learning curve, making it an ideal starting point for those new to machine learning.

Nastavitev okolja

Before diving into the specifics, it's crucial to set up the working environment. For this article, Google Colab will be the platform of choice, providing an accessible and powerful environment for running Python code.


!pip install scikit-llm watermark
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -a "your-username" -vmp scikit-llm

Obtaining and Configuring API Keys

Scikit-LLM requires an OpenAI API key for accessing the underlying language models.

from skllm.config import SKLLMConfig
OPENAI_API_KEY = "sk-****"
OPENAI_ORG_ID = "org-****"

Zero-Shot GPTClassifier

O ZeroShotGPTClassifier is a remarkable feature of Scikit-LLM that leverages ChatGPT's ability to classify text based on descriptive labels, without the need for traditional model training.

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from skllm import ZeroShotGPTClassifier
from skllm.datasets import get_classification_dataset
X, y = get_classification_dataset()

Priprava podatkov

Splitting the data into training and testing subsets:

def training_data(data):
    return data[:8] + data[10:18] + data[20:28]
def testing_data(data):
    return data[8:10] + data[18:20] + data[28:30]
X_train, y_train = training_data(X), training_data(y)
X_test, y_test = testing_data(X), testing_data(y)

Model Training and Prediction

Defining and training the ZeroShotGPTClassifier:

clf = ZeroShotGPTClassifier(openai_model="gpt-3.5-turbo"), y_train)
predicted_labels = clf.predict(X_test)


Evaluating the model's performance:

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy_score(y_test, predicted_labels):.2f}")

Text Summarization with Scikit-LLM

Text summarization is a critical feature in the realm of NLP, and Scikit-LLM harnesses GPT's prowess in this domain through its GPTSummarizer module. This feature stands out for its adaptability, allowing it to be used both as a standalone tool for generating summaries and as a preprocessing step in broader workflows.

Applications of GPTSummarizer:

  1. Standalone Summarization: O GPTSummarizer can independently create concise summaries from lengthy documents, which is invaluable for quick content analysis or extracting key information from large volumes of text.
  2. Preprocessing for Other Operations: In workflows that involve multiple stages of text analysis, the GPTSummarizer can be used to condense text data. This reduces the computational load and simplifies subsequent analysis steps without losing essential information.

Implementing Text Summarization:

The implementation process for text summarization in Scikit-LLM involves:

  1. Uvoz GPTSummarizer and the relevant dataset.
  2. Ustvarjanje primerka GPTSummarizer with specified parameters like max_words to control summary length.
  3. Uporaba aplikacije fit_transform method to generate summaries.

Pomembno je omeniti, da je max_words parameter serves as a guideline rather than a strict limit, ensuring summaries maintain coherence and relevance, even if they slightly exceed the specified word count.

Broader Implications of Scikit-LLM

Scikit-LLM's range of features, including text classification, summarization, vectorization, translation, and its adaptability in handling unlabeled data, makes it a comprehensive tool for diverse text analysis tasks. This flexibility and ease of use cater to both novices and experienced practitioners in the field of AI and machine learning.

Potencialne aplikacije:

  • Analiza povratnih informacij strank: Classifying customer feedback into categories like positive, negative, or neutral, which can inform customer service improvements or product development strategies.
  • News Article Classification: Sorting news articles into various topics for personalized news feeds or trend analysis.
  • Prevajanje jezika: Translating documents for multinational operations or personal use.
  • Povzetek dokumenta: Quickly grasping the essence of lengthy documents or creating shorter versions for publication.

Advantages of Scikit-LLM:

  • Točnost: Proven effectiveness in tasks like zero-shot text classification and summarization.
  • Hitrost: Suitable for real-time processing tasks due to its efficiency.
  • Razširljivost: Capable of handling large volumes of text, making it ideal for big data applications.

Conclusion: Embracing Scikit-LLM for Advanced Text Analysis

In summary, Scikit-LLM stands as a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly tool in the realm of text analysis. Its ability to combine Large Language Models with traditional machine learning workflows, coupled with its open-source nature, makes it a valuable asset for researchers, developers, and businesses alike. Whether it's refining customer service, analyzing news trends, facilitating multilingual communication, or distilling essential information from extensive documents, Scikit-LLM offers a robust solution.

Zadnjih pet let sem se potopil v fascinanten svet strojnega in globokega učenja. Moja strast in strokovno znanje sta me pripeljala do tega, da sem prispeval k več kot 50 raznolikim projektom programskega inženiringa, s posebnim poudarkom na AI/ML. Moja nenehna radovednost me je pripeljala tudi do obdelave naravnega jezika, področja, ki ga želim nadalje raziskati.